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Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Does spending time with animals make you feel better? Does being outdoors alleviate symptoms of your depression or anxiety?

Are you wondering how can an animal help? 

The concept of the emotional support from an animal might appear to some to be a recent phenomenon. However, animals have been used in human treatment since as early as the 1940s, when The American Red Cross helped veterans recover from their injuries by utilizing animals during the rehabilitation process. Formal research into Animal-Assisted Therapy began in the 1960s, as doctors discovered the correlation between improved mood, comfort, and interactions in patients that owned a pet.

Today, Animal-Assisted Therapy is recognized as an option of therapeutic intervention, and the use of emotional support animals is becoming more prevalent. People suffering from mental illness stand to gain significant relief from their symptoms of depression or anxiety. Animals can not only help the individual manage their condition, but they're also useful in times of crisis.

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) specifically is an evidence-based therapy modality that is all about the experience - you learn by doing. By conducting therapy sessions that include horse interactions, learning and growth can occur in new and unexpected ways. These interactions give you the ability to promote healthy attachment, practice problem-solving skills, learn emotional regulation, and form empathy. 

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy allows for connection in a low-pressure environment …

  • You groom and pet the horse
  • Bath the horse
  • Lead the horse in designated areas
  • Feed the horse
  • Bond with the horse

As part of an individualized therapeutic plan, people with depression, anxiety, or grieving a loss can receive significant emotional support and can help alleviate symptoms by providing comfort and affection, as well as, offering hope and a sense of purpose.

To learn more about Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy sessions, contact us today.