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When It's Hard to Feel Thankful

It can be hard to identify things we are grateful for when you are grieving or struggling with chronic illness. The pangs of grief and loss make it difficult to feel truly thankful for all we have when someone dear to us is no longer physically beside us. Similarly, if we have just received a new life-shattering diagnosis or facing yet another hospitalization this season, listing items we are grateful for does not seem authentic.

This Thanksgiving do not feel the pressures to list "Things I Thankful For." Give yourself grace. We go through seasons of life that are just plain tough. Don't let culture dictate your feelings just because of a holiday. You can choose what you are up to celebrating this Thanksgiving, or if you want to celebrate at all. You can set boundaries with family and friends. Take time to figure out what you are OK with and what you would like to pass on this year. Maybe you would like to get together, but not host; or you may want to keep traditions the same, but skip the china dishes. Verbalize your desires to your family and friends. Your feelings matter.

 This Thanksgiving let the pressure go and just take a deep breath.